Proposed Forest Lakes Development, Akron, OH

Environmental remediation services for a residential development site in Akron, Ohio.


The Subject Property consists of an unoccupied farmstead with two single-family residential homes, associated outbuildings, and agricultural fields. Two dilapidated houses, one pole barn, two small sheds and one semi-trailer are open to the environment and located within the northern portion of the Subject Property. Fallow farm fields occupy the southern portion of the Subject Property. A small pond is located in the northeastern portion of the subject site. Multiple piles of debris, including but not limited to: building materials, used tires, 55-gallon drums, parts of disabled vehicles, construction debris, and household refuse were observed throughout the Subject Property, with the greatest concentration observed in the northern portion of the Subject Property around the residential structures. 

The property will be developed into a multi-home residential development.


AKT Peerless utilized our experience in site assessment and waste material management. Initially a Phase I environmental site assessment was performed during which potential areas of concern were identified that could potentially impact the subject property.

AKT Peerless presented its findings to the client, identified during the phase I site assessment and subsequent investigations, so they could carefully manage any environmental and financial risks throughout the various stages of development.  


AKT Peerless’ comprehensive assessment services provided K. Hovnanian® Homes protection from liability exposure and a release of hazardous chemicals to the environment.

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